News & Events
Our Lastest HuffPost Blog Series: The United States of Anxiety
"In a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association in 2017, for the first time, a majority of Americans (across the political spectrum) rank fear about the current political climate (57%) and future of our country (66%) as a leading cause of stress…running in line or ahead of the old standbys: money, work and the economy."
Rotary Club International and Courageous Leadership for a Courageous Democracy
Courageous Leadership, LLC created the Courageous Democracy Initiative to provide evidence-based tools to reach across widening political divides and create a more caring, sustainable democracy.
Courageous Democracy Pilot With Rotary Clubs A Success!
We conducted our first 4-hour Courageous Democracy workshop for Rotary Clubs on January 27th, 2018. The pilot was attended by nearly 3 times as many participants as we were expecting - some driving the distance of 4 hours to attend.
Courageous Leadership for a Courageous Democracy for Youth
We are very grateful to report that a large foundation funded our Courageous Democracy work with the Junior State of America (JSA).
Courageous Leadership for a Courageous Democracy Launches in Los Angeles, CA with Approximately 250 Junior State of America Students
Last week we conducted our first Courageous Leadership for a Courageous Democracy training for approximately 250 high school students from Junior State of America.
Greater Good Science Center Features our Courageous Democracy Program in this Article
We're grateful to the Greater Good Science Center for featuring our Courageous Leadership for a Courageous Democracy work with Junior State of America in this article
Courageous Democracy Session at Rotary Club in Reno, CA
Courageous Leadership was thrilled to facilitate a breakout session on Courageous Conversations. We enjoyed our time with the Rotarians from Northern California and Northern Nevada.
Be A Lighthouse in These Times
Feeling anxious? Take heart, we can each take meaningful action and make a positive difference.
Greater Good Science Center: How to Cultivate Ethical Courage
In our blog post published by UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center titled How to Cultivate Ethical Courage, read about Tina's conflict of interest in the workplace, how drive and good intentions can undermine your own values, and how to restore alignment between your actions and your values.
Advisor Margaret Heffernan Talks About Our work in Her Latest Book: Beyond Measure
A powerful manifesto for CEOs and employees alike: Influential and award-winning business leader Margaret Heffernan reveals how organizations can build ideal workplace cultures and create seismic shifts by making small changes.
California Magazine Article Horns, Haloes, and Heroism: The Science of Doing the Right Thing Leadership References Our Work
Good, informative article by Alina Tugend for California Magazine published by UC Berkeley Alumni, that includes our work. This is definitely worth reading!
HuffPost Blog Series: The Power of Forgiveness at Work
In her Science of Courageous Leadership blog series, Brooke explores the power of forgiveness to potentially improve well-being and productivity in professional settings.
HuffPost Blog Series Courage: A Triple Word Score for the Holidays
In her Science of Courageous Leadership blog series, Brooke shares how we can learn to override our unhelpful instincts, choosing to be courageous.
Finally! Wall Street Cops Look to Ethically Courageous Cultures to Ensure Integrity
Check out our latest blog post describing optimal cultures for courageous leadership in an organization.
Interested in Getting Certified in Social Fitness?
Due to high demand, we’ve scheduled a 1-week intensive Social Fitness Training TM and Certification Course March 28 - April 1, held in the San Francisco Bay Area of California.
Courageous Leadership at USC; Our Latest Programs for Colleges and Universities
This year we've developed a program for students at colleges and universities which was provided to the University of Southern California as part of the Robert J. Coury Applied Leadership Program at the Neely Center for Ethical Leadership.
Courageous Leadership Supporting National Co+op Grocers
NCG helps unify natural food co-ops in order to optimize operational and marketing resources, strengthen purchasing power, and ultimately offer more value to natural food co-op owners and shoppers everywhere.
Courageous Leadership Provides Spectranetics with Evidence-Based Program to Support Courageous Innovation and Success
A recognized leader in the medical device field, we provided Spectranetics with a 2-session evidence-based workshop to support their values-driven culture and increase innovation.